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How to activate dark mode on iPhone?


Do you find the white backdrop on your iPhone annoying? Are you having trouble seeing after increasing the brightness? You can switch your iPhone or iPad into Dark Mode by activating a brand-new, as of now undiscovered feature.

Here, I explain how to activate iPhone dark mode. And thus make using an iOS device more pleasant, especially in the dark.

If you own an iPhone and want to activate this option, follow these simple steps.

So how can one turn on iPhone dark mode?

First, confirm that iOS 13 or later is installed on your iPhone. This is the version that saw the introduction of dark mode by Apple.

Next, go to Settings on your iPhone. On your home screen, the gear symbol is easy to identify.

Settings on iPhone

Navigate to the section on Brightness and Display. This is where you may adjust the display on your phone.

Next, you'll notice two options: Light and Dark. Simply select Dark to activate the dark mode.
Your interface will instantly change to a darker, more soothing color scheme.

Additionally, you can choose the "Automatic" option to have dark mode turn on automatically at specific times. Next, you can adjust the time that the light and dark modes alternate by clicking on the settings.

Lastly, the Control Center allows you to use dark mode if you enjoy shortcuts. Toggling between the two modes is as easy as holding down the brightness bar.
The screen will abruptly become black and white.

And that's it! This is a dark mode iOS version, if everything went according to plan. Dark mode on your iPhone not only improves aesthetics but also reduces power consumption.

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