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15 Foods That Should Never Be Kept in The Refrigerator


Refrigerators are typically thought of as tools that preserve food for as long as possible. That's true for most foods. The refrigerator is essential for keeping meat, dairy products, and many types of produce in the house. Family meals have been revolutionized by refrigerators, a modern miracle. It turns out, however, that some foods lose freshness in the refrigerator. There are times when chilling food diminishes its flavor or changes its texture. If you want to improve your cooking and enjoy your food more, you should review all 15 foods on our list. #9 is probably the best sandwich you've ever tasted if you've been keeping it in the fridge for years. You can prevent inadvertently wasting so much good stuff by storing the following items at room temperature.

1. Potatoes
Cool, dark environments are best for storing potatoes, but refrigerators are too cold. Potatoes become gritty when they are chilled, as the chill breaks down the starch in them. In the fridge, starch is also converted to sugar, which further diminishes its flavor.

2. Onions
Keeping onions in the refrigerator will prevent them from spoiling as quickly as keeping them on the counter. Before you know it, they'll be moldy and mushy. When storing onions, keep them at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. Once the onion has been peeled and cut, it should be refrigerated. Store it in the vegetable drawer in a sealable bag.

3. Garlic
When stored in the fridge, garlic tends to lose its flavor. Maintain its pungent flavor by storing it in a cool, dry place with some ventilation. An excellent example is a paper bag. Once the head has been broken open, garlic still begins to degrade. Use those cloves within 10 days. 

4. Melon
It is best to store whole melons at room temperature, such as cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew. According to some research, refrigerating melon degrades its antioxidant content faster, so eating it at room temperature makes it healthier, too. Melon can be stored in the refrigerator for approximately three to four days after cutting.

5. Honey
When kept in the refrigerator, honey will crystallize. The liquid becomes grainy and virtually solid, so it is difficult to use and unpleasant to use.

As long as honey is stored at room temperature, it lasts a long time. It is possible to recover solidified honey by gently warming the bottle in warm water.

6. Bread
Generally, bread does not last very long before it molds; it is relatively perishable. Some people put it in the refrigerator to prevent mold growth. It also dries out the bread, which means that you cannot enjoy it anyway when you refrigerate it.

Ideally, bread should be stored in a pantry or bread drawer. Slices can be frozen and toasted as needed if you need to extend its life.

7. Nuts
It is possible to extend the life of nuts by preventing their oils from becoming rancid by refrigerating them. Yet, they won't taste as good chilled as they do when they absorb the odors of other food in the refrigerator and lose their distinctive nutty flavor.

Nuts should be stored at room temperature in an airtight container. It is possible to revive nuts that have been refrigerated by toasting them in a dry pan before eating them.

8. Coffee
Great coffee distinguishes itself from bad coffee if you're a coffee lover.

If you refrigerate your beans, either whole or ground, you will get watery condensation, which makes for an underwhelming brew. Instead, store those beans at room temperature in an airtight container.

9. Tomatoes
While most produce does better in the refrigerator, tomatoes do better on the counter. When whole tomatoes are chilled, their flavor is stripped and the texture becomes mealy.

Under-ripe tomatoes should be placed on a sunny windowsill. It is best to cook them before storing them in the fridge if they become overripe.

10. Hot Sauce
The spicy heat of the peppers is lost when the hot sauce is stored in the refrigerator. To preserve hot sauce, there is no need to chill it.

Vinegar prevents bacteria from growing in there.

11. Chocolate-Hazelnut Spread
When kept in the fridge, this tasty spread solidifies and can't be spread on graham crackers, toast, or fruit.

The flavor of chocolate-hazelnut spread also diminishes when it's chilled. Unopened containers can be stored in the pantry for two months. Despite their sell-by date, open containers remain safe for about a month without refrigeration.

12. Apples
If you prefer cold apples, you can refrigerate them, but you don't have to. The crispness of these fruits is actually diminished by chilling them.

Apples make a lovely fruit display for a few weeks on a table or counter. Any that haven't been eaten can then be refrigerated to extend their shelf life.

13. Avocados
When avocados are too hard or too soft, they are not good, so it can be tricky to pick them at their ripeness peak. Underripe avocados are like biting into raw potatoes, and overripe avocados are mushy and blackened.

You should only refrigerate avocados if they have gotten ripe but you aren't yet ready to use them. A couple of extra days can be bought by doing that. 

14. Berries
After picking, berries don't last very long, so it's best to buy them on the day you want them rather than storing them. Even so, if you intend to keep berries for a few days, it's better to store them in the fridge rather than the counter. When they become wet, most of them become moldy very quickly, so never rinse a whole carton and then store it. 

15. Stone Fruit
When plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots ripen at room temperature, they are at their best. For maximum flavor, store them in a paper bag on the counter or in the pantry.

For a few more days, your fridge's fruit bin will keep ripe stone fruit from going mushy if you can't eat it right away.

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