Our body is a system where a lot of simultaneous processes take place. Our body can sometimes send us signs that something isn't working the way it should. Therefore, it is important not to ignore such signs which may suggest health issues. They are here:
1 – Snoring :
It's a widely recognized sleep apnea symptom, which is associated with increased risk of heart disease. Yet snoring can play a greater role in cardiovascular disease than experts were expecting. A research in 2013 found that snoring was related to thickening of carotid arteries in the neck even in patients without sleep apnea; such damage is a precursor to stroke and heart attack. This damage to the wall was more closely associated with snoring than smoking, high cholesterol or being overweight.
2- Damage to your teeth:
"I also get referrals from dentists with patients who do not have
heartburn or other signs of reflux, but their teeth enamel is completely
worn down," says Evan Dellon, MD, a specialist in gastrointestinal ( GI)
at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Many are surprised
to hear that they are refluxed with acid. When on the front of your mouth,
sugar drinks wear teeth, The esophageal acid helps to remove the teeth 's
enamel at the back.
4- Itchy, blistery skin ras:
This reaction, which breaks out on the elbows , knees, ass, back, or scalp, may look suspiciously like eczema, but it may be a more serious issue: celiac disease, an inflammatory disorder that causes the body to attack its own intestines after ingesting just the slightest amount of gluten. Up to 25 percent of people with celiac disease have this rash, known as herpetiformis dermatitis. Most patients lack the signs of digestion. If someone with celiac consumes gluten, the body releases an antibody known as IgA, which attacks the intestines; often IgA gathers under the skin and in small blood vessels , causing telltale rash. Like people with certain types of celiac disease, patients with herpetiformis dermatitis may not have to undergo an endoscopic biopsy for a conclusive reason. A health care professional will biopsy the rash and check for antibodies that suggest celiac. The rash will disappear once you start a gluten-free diet, and you can protect the body from any long-term, severe harm to celiac disease, such as osteoporosis or cancer of the small intestines. Here are 10 more skin problems which may signify a severe illness.
5- Bowel or bladder changes:
Peeing more or less than usual can indicate cancer of the bladder or of the prostate. Constipation or diarrhea can signal cancer of the colon or of the ovary. You may attribute gassiness or bloating to your diet but if it lasts longer than a week, talk to your doctor.
6- Hemorrhoids:
Approximately one third of Crohn's disease patients — an inflammatory GI tract disorder — have a type that affects only the anal region. It manifests outside of the area as sores, ulcerations, or fleshy growths which can be mistaken for hemorrhoids. "Patients will say sitting is so uncomfortable, it's like they 're perched on top of a rock," says David Rubin, MD, University of Chicago Medical Center chief gastroenterology officer. This form of Crohn's disease, Dr. Rubin says, is always the most severe and has the worst prognosis. (When left unchecked, Crohn's can lead to intestinal obstruction, painful cracks and even colon cancer.) If you have what appears to be hemorrhoids that do not react to treatement. He or she may conduct blood tests to check for levels of white blood cells, C-reactive protein and other markers that that suggest undiagnosed disease. Catch up on these 11 diseases most likely overlooked by physicians.
7- Changes in handwriting:
You typically think of tremors when you think of Parkinson's, but a more revealing early warning sign for Parkinson is handwriting, which gets much smaller. Examination of handwriting recognized patients more than 97 per cent of the time in early stages, an Israeli study found in 2013. "I have patients write a sentence like 'Today is ten times a good day,'" says Michael S. Okun, MD, national Parkinson's Foundation medical director. "As they write, each sentence becomes smaller and smaller, and the words become more crowded together." Parkinson's disease occurs as nerve cells in the brain become weakened or die off. We avoid generating as much dopamine , a chemical that sends signals to produce movement; this induces hand and finger muscle stiffness that affects handwriting. Two other Parkinson's early red flags: lack of smell — so you don't catch mouthwatering odors — and very vivid hallucinations in which you thrash, kick, and punch as you sleep. See a neurologist if you notice any of these symptoms — and they last more than a few weeks. The earlier Parkinson's is diagnosed, and the faster you have symptom management, the better the quality of life. Here are the 50 signs which you can never neglect.
8- Random bursts of anger:
9- Nagging cough:
Coughs generally don't mean cancer, but if you develop a cough that won't go away even if you've never had allergies , asthma, or issues with the sinus, take notice. This may be lung cancer, or larynx or throat cancer if followed by hoarseness. There are other signs your lungs may find themselves in trouble.
10- Difficulty managing finances:
When researchers from the University of Alabama observed 87 seniors with mild memory problems, the 25 who went on to develop Alzheimer's demonstrated a year-long deterioration in skills such as handling bank statements and paying bills. "We also ask a question: 'You're going out for lunch, and the bill is $60. What's a tip of 15 per cent? "says Daniel Marson, PhD at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, founder of the Alzheimer's Disease Centre. "People in the early stages of Alzheimer's could struggle for a minute or two and then say, 'It's $7.'" (The response is $9.) Although everybody has an occasional senior moment, "if these things continue on a daily basis, it's a red flag," Marson says. When Alzheimer's progresses, the cortex of the brain that contains areas involved in thought, planning, and recalling shrivels. Which makes it more difficult to handle day to day finances. There are more signs in here that the brain ages faster than you are.
11- Unintentional weight loss:
If you have lost more than 10 pounds without any improvements in diet or exercise, have it checked out, says Richard Wender, MD, the American Cancer Society's chief officer for cancer prevention. It most frequently occurs with cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophageal, or lung.
12- Unexplained bleeding:
Any suspicious moment – coughing up blood (lung cancer), irregular vaginal bleeding (cervical or endometrial cancer), blood in the stool (colon or rectal cancer), blood in the urine (bladder or kidney cancer), or red discharge of the nipple (breast cancer) – the doctor will be aware of this. Seek those 30 strong habits that can prevent cancer to lower your risk.
13- Impotence:
According to an Australian study in 2013, people over the age of 45 who were not found to have cardiac disease but who had moderate to extreme erectile dysfunction were up to 60% more likely to be hospitalized during a four-year period for heart issues. Arteries to the penis are smaller than anywhere else in the body, and even before a man has any other symptoms of heart disease they can become blocked. "It's very humiliating. Many people just want a prescription and stop addressing the problem with their doctor, "says Nieca Goldberg, MD, a cardiologist based in New York." But it's very important that they don't ignore it and get tested for heart disease. When people have other risk factors, such as a family history of heart disease, advanced screening tests such as a coronary calcium scan may be recommended. Don't miss these shocking signs of trouble in your heart you can never forget.